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The Truth About Low Carb Diets: Why They're NOT the Solution

What is going on guys!

It's been a short-while. I am going to be consistently uploading blogs now, you will be getting one a week from me, starting today.

Everyone knows someone that has tried or keeps trying a low-carb diet. Almost everyone I speak to has tried a low-carb diet and has, erm, failed...

You'll get the fanatics - those who try to tempt you to completely ditch your carbs, promising you rapid weight loss, improved energy, and better health.

But let me tell you something, low-carb diets are NOT the solution. In fact, they're more like a one-way ticket to misery and malnutrition.

Before we go any further, let's define what a low-carb diet is. Some studies fail to actually study a low-carb diet for one reason or another.

So for that reason and to avoid ''BUT, ADAMM, this study showed this'' - let's set the tone. If 15% or less of your calories are coming from carbs, that is a low-carb diet.

NOW, let's take a closer look at the science and see what's really going on

YES it's true, you DON'T need carbs to survive - but we are never really talking about just surviving when it comes to health & fitness. Our focus is thriving!

Carbs are your body's main source of energy, providing glucose to your brain, glycogen to your muscles (the way carbs are stored in the muscle), and fiber to your gut.

Carbs are your friends!!

Before you think I am completely low-carb bashing, let's get one thing straight - I do know there can be some benefits to a low-carb diet in SOME people.

In SOME (I need to emphasize this) low-carb diets can help reduce appetite and increase satiety, which can lead to lower calorie intake and make it easier to adhere to a diet.

But here's the thing: high carb diets are just as effective for fat loss, especially when they're based on whole, unprocessed foods. That's right, folks, you can eat carbs and still lose fat!

In fact, high carb diets can provide the energy and nutrients your body needs for optimal performance and recovery, which can help you stick to your workout routine and achieve better results.

And let's not forget about all the great tasting fruits, veggies, and whole grains you can eat on a high carb diet.

Now, some people swear by low-carb diets for muscle growth, but the truth is, they might be missing out on some serious gains.

Low-carb diets can actually decrease muscle glycogen stores, which can hinder exercise performance and muscle growth. Plus, they may not provide enough energy to support harder workouts and muscle recovery.

And I hate to be that guy, but one study actually showed that low-carb diets can lead to a reduction in testosterone levels!

On the other hand, high carb diets can provide the energy and nutrients your body needs for optimal muscle growth and recovery. Carbs can help replenish glycogen stores, support intense exercise, and promote muscle repair and growth.

So, you can build muscle and lose fat with both low and high carb diets. You can just do it more effectively when consuming carbs!

Now from a health prospective, going low-carb, you're also depriving your gut of the fiber it needs to stay healthy. Fiber is like the broom that sweeps away the crap in your intestines. Without enough fiber, you're more prone to constipation, bloating, and other digestive problems.

All that aside, the main problem with low-carb diets is, there are not sustainable for most people. Then you don't learn the skills and habits outside a low-carb diet to make sure you don't just lose fat, but you keep it off.

So, what should you do?

It's pretty simple: follow a more balanced diet that includes carbs, protein, and healthy fats. That way, you don't have to say goodbye to your favourite foods, like bread, pasta, rice, and fruits. You just have to be smart about your portions and your overall calorie intake.

By eating a balanced diet, you'll have more energy, better digestion, improved mood, and a stronger immune system. And you'll be able to sustain your progress for the long haul, instead of going back and forth between diets like a yo-yo."

That's really all I wanted to cover. I tried to keep this simple without talking about everyone's favourite word, insulin!

As always, you can watch the video I did below alongside this post.

Thank's a lot for reading my blog, its means a lot to me.

We will talk soon!


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